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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 34

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 34.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 34 Lot 1- Permit to Mrs. Frona Allen, Owner, & James R. Schwerma, Lessee, to maintain rug cleaning business; Condl. Res. No. 3720 2-23-49 E 111.15' Lot 11 Permit to Dolores A. Keays to erect bldg in rear of exist bldg for care of 6 handicapped children; Condi. Lot 13 Res. No. 5382 3-7-51 Permit to Helen Essington to convert exist garage to 1 iving quarters w/2 1 611 side yd; also add 8 1 x 8 1 bath; 4620- 31st St. Res. No. 6433 4-30-52 Lot 13- Permit to Helen M. Essington. to constr single fam res & attach to exist res Lot l w/2 1 611 side yd; 4615 Boundary. Res. No. 7634 8-5-53 Permit to James R. & Lillian Schwerma to constr cement blk bldg to house, exist rug & furniture cleaning business; 3129 Adams Ave, C Zone, Condi. Case No. 378 3-23-56