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Normal Heights Block 13

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 13.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 13-Lots 1- 10- To rent house in rear & constr house in front of lot; R. A. Hathaway- 4778 Utah. Res. 47848 11-5-28------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1- 2- E 4o' 4466 Estrella.- Erect 3rd single fam res in R-2; Permit to Walter E, Carlile; Res. 70942 3-12-4o------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion Lot 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Bodo Schachtschneider & Cindy Sarten to/ for construction of 12 1 X 22' living room addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 12 1 front yard (existing dwelling observes 12' front yard) where 15' is required, at 4816 Bancroft Street, Zone R-3A, Conditions. CASE 16532 NH 12-12-79