Nickerson Tract
NICKERSON TRACT.tif llCKIRSOB '!RAC'l' Lot l- Permit to Ford Leasing Devliiopment Co. to constr a 16 1 x 50' office and develop lot as new truck display and sales activity, providing no landscaping on subject property vbere 10 times tbe length of tbe property line abutting public street rigbt of way is req to be landscaped, but to provide approx 10' of landscaping in rigbt of way along Grand Ave. on tbe IE cor of Grand and Figueroa. Zone CA. Coad l. C-10937.. 12-17-71 above-APPEA[E5-f71~77l--anatne-aecision-oftneAssT!:ant-z:~:-was-moaifiea59-reaocing the amount of I ands cap i ng from 35' to 15' which wou Id be 15' from the edge of the s i de-1. walk to the appellant's property, and the appellant's appeal is sustained. Condi. 2-1-72 ~- 3-,:l_