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Development Services

New San Diego Block 25

NEW SAN DIEGO BLOCK 25.tif NEW SAN DIEGO BLOCK 25 Lot B- ZA DENIED the Conditonal Use Permit lessee, to provide on site beer and wine in assembly hall, located at 555 Union Street, ' Pau_l, sought by David Engel, owner; Lena A. conjunction with the operation of an Marina Planned District, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone. C-20268 4-14-89 Lot B- BZA GRANTS the appeal if David Engel, owner; Len A Paul, lessee, and therefore OVERTURNS the decision of the ZA to APPROVE the request with conditions, located at 555 Union Street, Marina Planned District, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone. C-20268 6-21-89