Nettleships Tye#1 Block1 Card 2
NETTLESHIPS TYE#1 BLOCK1 CARD 2.tif,,~.- .We- NETTLESHIP ~ #1 BLOCK 1 CARD #2 ' Lot 9- Permit DENIED by ZA to ERTUG ART SAPANLI to maintain third-story addition to a single-family dwelling unit, resulting in a three-story building observing 2 1-1 11 interior side yard and 0 1-011 rear yard where 7'-0" is required for a three story building, located at 653- 655 Loring Street, Zone R-3000. C-18284 12-16-83 Lot 15- Nettleship-Tye Tract lt1, Map No, 1931- AGREEMENT- MITCHELL LEDIS to maintain existing bath and storage room on lot with two existing dwellings. 4968 Crystal Drive, Zone R-3000. Agreement No. 3143. 8/24/84 Lot 24- Applicant, MICHAEL PANCER, withdrew a yard varian4e request to construct a 2nd and 3rd floor additionto exstg,single-famiiy dwlg. obs.4' interiorJ side yard where 7 1 is required & resulting in,59 FAR where.SO is permitted, located at 4904 Crystal Drive, Zone R-2. C-15554 12/13/78 Par. Lot 24- ZA DENIED variance request of MICHAEL PANCER to (1) construct a 145 sq. ft. third-story addition to a two-story, single-family dwlg. construction to: (2) observe 4' interior side yard where 7 1 is required; (3) result in.57 FAR where.SO is the max. permitted; and (4) maintain 3 1-2 11 canvas top of 3'-1'' high wall, located at 4904 Crystal Drive, Zone R-2. C-17037 12/12/80 BZA DENIED Appeal 1/21/81