Neptune Estates Card 2
NEPTUNE ESTATES CARD 2.tif J llESTOR ACRES Card.#2@ Lots 1-9 & 11-12- Permit to Bayview Drive-In Corp & KP L, Inc. Ord. Preston, own to build & operate 1100 car drive-in theatre & snack bar on Green St betw Elm & Coronado \ 1 lo%, <; in South Bay. CUP C-26o6 8-28-59 6 mos ext on new subd "Bayview Drive-in Theatre Tr /2" CUP C-26o6 to expire 8-8-60 N Lot 16- Permit to Assembly of God Church to const interior lited plastic dble-faced 50 sq ft sign att to & projecting 2' above ridge line of roof, SW cor National Ave & Elm Ave., Zone R-4, lighting of sign to be subdued and low voltage. c-3192 3-18-60 Lots 47-64- Permit to Leo H. Homand, long term lessee to const & operate Fairyland Children's Allnlsement Park (per exhibit on file in Plan Dept) on prop located betw Coronado Ave & Grove Ave, 25th & 27th Sts, in So Bay, condl Interim R-l Zone. 6 mos ext to 11-10-62 (4-2-62) c-4416 10-27-61 Renewed March 14, 1963 6 mos ext to ext 3-24-64 (9-12-63) Lots 25-27- Permit to Thomas J. & Marion G, Durso to add 5 trailer spaces to exist non-conforming 50 space trailer park where only multiple & sin fam dwell are per at 1165 Hollister St betw Coronado Ave & Grove Ave., Zone R-4 condl APPEALED condition #3- Granted by BZA lDilDfl c-9062 c-9o62 2-3-69 3-12-69