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Neptune Acres Card 5

NEPTUNE ACRES CARD 5.tif NESTOR ACRE'S > 7 CARD #5 Lot 54- Reques.t of Julius Hofer and Harvey & Co. to erect and main for one year a 3'x5':x8' htgh single-heed free-stndtng, non-ilium. subd. directional sign advertising "Sunrise West" to obs 0 1 fy on Coronado Avenue at Coronado Avenue S/L, West of 27th Street, Zone R-1-5. Request DENtED. C-14048-D. 2-8-77, Por Lot 24- Permit to Fred & Berth.a Leeds, Matthew & Iris Strauss, Steven M, Strauss & Gary M. Leeds to erect an 8'x27' free-standing, dbl-face freewa,y-oriented, ground sign with a maximum height of 40' to obs a 4' st sd yd on Coronado Avenue at 1101 Hollister Avenue. Zone CA, Condition. C-14684. ll-3-77,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 29 and Por Lot 30- Permit to IBR Enterprises to const 19 units on lot containing 56,832 sq. ft. of lot area. 1235 Hollister Street. C-14959 NH. 2-23-78, Zone R-2 ..