Neptune Acres Card 4
NEPTUNE ACRES CARD 4.tif NESTOR ACRES Lots 1-2- Par- Permit to Atlantic Richfield Co, to constr & operate a stat.ion on the NW car of the intersection of Coronado.Ave. & Interstate 310-PC Amended- 2-12-74 CAFIDl/4- self-service 5, Zone CA. 5-22-73 service Lot 24- Permit to Leeds & Strauss Enterprises, Owner & A. R. Wylie Sign Co, Lessee, to (1) erect & main for a per of 1 yr a dbled faced, 4' x 8 1 x 12' hi non-lllumin subdiv dir sign advertising "Sunrise Homes" loc on Beyer Blvd approx I 1/4 miles to the SE; (2) sign to obsO' prop line SB on Coronado Ave & Hollister St. wherelO' req, SE cor Coronado Ave & Ho! I ister St., Zone CA. Cond' I C-13,344 Por Lot 18 & 19- C H & C. J. Houston permit TABLED c-12,770 11-14-75 Por Lot 18 & 19- Permit to C. H. & c. J. Houston to const 6o' x 30' and2.2.!';x.3~ retail sales bldgs & elimin landscaping adj to Int. 5 & Hollister St where an area equal to 10 x the lgth of prop line adjoining frwy & public st is req, Sly intersect of Outer Rd & Hollister St, Zone CA & CN, cond 1 1, C-12770 2~5-76 ~ot 24- Permit to Leeds & Strauss and Harvey & Company to erect and main for one year a 3' x 5'x8 1 high V-sb.a ed free-stnd1ng, non-ilium. subd. directional sign advertising "Sunrise West" to OQS 0~ fy on Ho 11 i ster Street at southeast corner of Ho 11 i ster St. and Coronado Ave. Zone CA. Condltions.C-14048-B.------------------~-------------------~-----~---------------------------------------------