Nagel Tract Card 1
NAGEL TRACT CARD 1.tif NAGEL TRACT CARD #1 ,;Lot 2 ~ Permit to Carl Beitner dba Southland Doors Corp. to erect retail & wholesale store & genl office bldg for exist business; 3465 Camino del Rio; Condl; R-lA. Case No. 3074 2-5~6o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Paul Stein to constr office bldg for SCM Corp as follows: (1) to land- scape 10' planting strip in area for reserved st adJ to dedicated ROW for req landscaping; (2) to install parking area in reserved st immed behind proposed 10' landscape strip; (3) to elimin 6 1 hi wall, fence, or evergreen hedge separating Lot 2 (RP-lA) from Lot 3 (R-l-4o) adj east where 10' landscape strip parking areas are req to be behind area reserved for future st, & a 6 1 hi wall, fence, or evergreen hedge separating RP-lA zoned prop from R-4 & more restrictive zoned prop is req; 3439- 55 Camino del Rio So, Zone RP-lA; Condl. See Agreement No. 1518- 1-8-68 Case No. 8317 9-15-67 Above Case No. 8317- DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS- Condl. Case No. 8317 5-14-68 Por Lot 3- Permit to E. M. Sims to constr a storage room addn to exist retail store built prior to annexation wnere a single family dwellings only are perm & amended to obs 8 1 rear yd wnere 20' is req at 3465 Camino del Rio Sottn between Ward Rd & Texas St., Zone R-1-40, condl C-9974 7-23-70