Nagel Tract #2 Card 1
NAGEL TRACT #2 CARD 1.tif NAGEL TRACT NO. 2 ' CARD #I Lot 2- Permit to Robvin Inc. (Marvin Zigman, Sec.) to erect sign 8 1 x 16 1, free- standing, unlited, single-faced, obs 15' SB; So side Camino del Rio, W of Bldg Cont. Assoc.; R-lA; Condl.; (Denied 8 1 x 24' sign) Case No. 4o76 5-12-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Mission Square Properties to constr office bldg w/1:l landscaped slope approx 4' hi, in lieu of req 61 fence, around park area; betw 3465 & 3517 Camino del Rio; Zone RP-lA. Case No. 46o4 12-29-61 ABOVE- AMENDED (See Case No. 46o4) 1-25-62 Lot 2- Ext of time to Case No. 4o76 for 1 yr, to exp 9-15-62. Case No. 4o76 1-26-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Mission S_uare Properties to constr 3' x 30', free-standing, dble pole, single face, cut-out letter sign ("Mission Sq_uare") obs all SB & yd req; where l sign max 20' x 4' attached to face of bldg is perm; 3511 Camino Del Rio betw Texas St & Ward Rd; Zone RP-lA; Condl. Case No, 4799 4-3-62 Lot 1- DENIED- E. M. Nagel, c/o A. W. Livett, to dev as parking lot to be used as supplemental parking to req parking by occupants of prof bldgs located immed adj & front- ing on Camino del Rio So; where parking is perm only as an accessory use to principal uses; 3400 Blk Camino del Rio So betw Texas St & Ward Rd; Zone R-l.-4o. Case No. 9021 12-31-68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot I- Permit to Mesa Mortgage Co. for a PCD to const a 10,000 sq.ft., 3 1/2-story high office bldg at the southerly terminus of Scheidler Way, a short stub street connect- ing to Camino del Rio South. R-1-40 (HR) Zone. PCD #35. 7/27/77. llt"""_..-:_'.':~_........._~..--_____.;._-...---......-_~-"'!:-_::_-:_-----=-==--::----------:------ ~--:_-:_-::---_:-----------------_-_-;-