Motecello Block A Card 1
MOTECELLO BLOCK A CARD 1.tif Card # I.MONTECELLO BLOCK A-Lot 23 & N 24- Permit to Edgar E. Asbury to const addn to exist res & gar having 3' 611 & 3' side yds respec., at 4718 Winona, cond'l Res. No. 8464 9-15-54 ~-23-& Ht Lot 24~-60-day extenai~;-;~-;b~;~-Res. granted ia;.;-i:-As~y, cone!' l:--___________________________..,..__ ~e!!!!o!. ~6:z8__!2:2g-.}4_ Lots 15, 16, 17, Permit to Biagio & Maria Manzi to const sin fam res, ma.king 2 units on 3 lots at 4746 Winona ~ve, Zone R==l Case 2180 12-11-58------~--------------------- Lots 28 & 29, Permit to N1cholas & Jane Morgan to const sin ram res, making 2 units on said parcel, all yard req. complied vith, 4704 Winono. Ave, R-1, Agreement #1021 recorded that subject lots remain in one parcel & never be divided. Case 2315 2-20-59--------------------------------------------- Lota 28 and 29- AQBD:MEIIT #1021 to Bictlolas and Jane A. Morgan to construct aingle tallily:r residence, Eking total ot two units on subject lots cue Bo. 231, 3/6/59