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Development Services

Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 95

MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 95.tif..... E.W. MORSE'S &UBD. BLOCK 95 Lots 30,31 & w of 32- Permit to Myrtle B. Bodlovich to operate a convalescent home with 10 bed patients but no bed-ridden patients, alcoholic, mental or contgious disease cases at 3024 E St. for a period of 3 yrs from date of resolution. Expires 5-21-43 Res. n422 5-21-40 Permit to Lillian L. Scnuenn- same as above, same conditions. Res. n934 7-30-40 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Michael & Anna Kostka to erect approx 65' of solid blk ret walls rang in ht from 3 '4" to 6' obs O' frontyd on Broadway where max 3' h I fence or wa 11 is perm in req frontyd, 3051 Broadway, Zone R-4. C-12800 N.H. 8-26-74 East 10 feet of Lot 44-t all of Lots 45 & 46- Permit GRANTED to RICHARD WILLIAMS, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate an elderly housing facility located on the north side of E Street, between 30th Street and the intersection of Highway 94 and the 32nd Street underpass, Zone R-4 (Proposed R-3A). Lots 39, 40,41 and westerly 15' COMPANY (VISTA CORONADOS, LTD.) 7' interior side yard where JO' CUP 583-PC 3-14-80 of Lot 42- Permit DENIED by ZA to MORGAN DEVELOPMENT to construct a 4-story apartment building to observe is required, at 3060-3068 "E" Street, Zone R-3A. C-17203 6-12-81