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Development Services

Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 93

MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 93.tif E. W. MJHSE'S SUB BLOCK 93 Lots 21-24- Permit to John D'Auria to alter exist 2 story store bldg at 1125- 30th St. into 2 fam res, exist bldg 4 1 from adj res & attached to gar on rear lot line and 64.51, coverage. Res #587 4- 4-44 S 90' of Lots 21-24- Permit to Roy H.- Gladys Rogers to re-establish.. a non-conforming retail grocery store at 1125- 3oth St. Res #949 5-24-45 S 90' Lots 21-24- Permit to G. B, & Bernetta Tweel to operate a refrigeration repair bus in an exist bldg. at 1125- 3otb St. Cond'l. Res /18525 10-13-54 B 90' Lots 21-24- Permit to James L. & Doris A, Klock, owners, & Atlas Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners, lessee to operate dry cleaning & laundry pickup service & rug cleaning business in exist bldg., w / max 1 employee and 3 bp. Cond' 1. c-5853 8-1-63 All of Lots 1, 2 and 3- and east 5'-0'' of Lot 4- Permit DENIED by ZA to DONALD R, KRAMER to: (1) construct a four-story, eight-unit apartment building and adjoining 10'-0" high parking deck with 3'-0'' guard rail above; parking deck to observe a 10'-0'' rear yard where 21 1-011 is required; (2) construct 106 linear feet of retaining wall with a maximum height of 6'-0'' within the required interior side yard and rear yard where a 6-ry high wall or fence is the maximum permitted; (3) omit 560 sq. ft, of required landscaping in the street side yard; (4) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone; and (5) maintain existing one-story duplex observing interior side yard of 3'-0" where a 10 1-011 interior side yard is required for all structures on lot containing a four-story building, located at 3087 11 8 11 Street, Zone R-3A/HR. c-18138 8-26-83 10-19-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED, UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA AND ADOPTED HIS FINDING OF A FACTS.