Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 92
MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 92.tif.... E.W. MORSE'S SUB BLOCK 92 > ( Lots 25-28- Permit to Jas Krooskos to constr store bldg witn liv quarters above, S 50'. NW Cor 3otn & B Sts. 3' from Nortn lot line, SB on B to be 13'. Cond'l. Res #3871 5-10-49----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 7-10- Permit to Ekerotn, H. W. to constr 5' nign beard fence in SB area, at 3059 A St. Zone R-4. Cond '1. c-898 11-30-56 iois-33:34-:-p;i,;;1i-io-ja~e-i:-H~t~h1~s-io-aaa-o~;-;Pi_i_aaa-io30ihe;-;Pis;-~1~-a-~nits in bldg; 10- units on lot; l unit at rear obs 21 6 11 side yard, both units in rear 31 access ct wnere 10' is req at 3036 B St. Zone R-4. c-2868 11-6-59