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Development Services

Morse's (E.W) Block 87 Card 3

MORSE'S (E.W) BLOCK 87 CARD 3.tif E.W. HORSE'S ADDITION BLOCK 87 CARD#3 Lots 47 and448- Cond'l Permit Res. No. 4023 extended to 6&30-51 which amended Res. No. 4018 permitting Hr.s. Anna Jedlick to operate used car lot at northwest cor. 30th & Broadway Res#4729 6-14-50 Lots 5&6- Cond'l permit to Anna Jedlick, owner & Boney's, Inc. lessee, to build and ope11ate auto park lot, 2979 "C" St. Res#4917 8-23-50 Lots 47 & 48- DENIED to Mrs. Anna Jedlick owner & R.K. Brown, lessee, to operate used car lot at 1032 30th St., Zone R-e Res#5775 8-22-51 Lots 47 & 48- Cond'l permit to Anna J-dlick, owner & R.K. Brown, lessee, to oper used car lot, 1032- 30th St. Res#7217 3-4-53 Lots 1-4- Permit Hubar:t Kenyen, owner & Mi I ton W. Lancaster, lessee, to erect sign on each of 2 faces of pylon above roof of bldg. each IO'xl2', 2985 "C" St. Res#7796 10-1\-53