Morrison Marscene's Park Block 5
MORRISON MARSCENE'S PARK BLOCK 5.tif MORIUSON MARSCEn PARK BLOCK 5 . 79 Lots 46 & 47- Permit DENIED to Gilbert R. Hollaway, Jr., & Verna E. Hollaway to const duplex, making total of 4 units, on SW cor of 42nd St. & F,, R-2; but permission GRANTED to const one unit, making total of 3 units, condl 3-22-57 Lots 44 & 45- Permit to Aldo 7alossi to const sin fam res w/exist sin fam res which obs 2' sideyd (3' req) & 5' rear yd (10' req); new dw to obs all yd req at 540 42nd St., Zone R-2. c-4041 4-17-61 Lots 39, 40 and 41- Permit to Dorsey and Mattie Davis to main three units on lot contain- Ing 8,850 square feet. 722 42nd Street. Zone R-2. C-15279, 7-21-78,