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Morena Tract Acre Lot 122 Card 1

MORENA TRACT ACRE LOT 122 CARD 1.tif MORENA TRAC'!' ACRE LO'!' 122 Porat NW corner of Illion & Milton Ste erect single fam dwell, Card Ko. l- Permit to Wayne M. & Dorothea M. Gray to Res. 914 4-26-45 S 8o' & N 310'- Permit to s. G. Hazlitt to bld single fam res on Galveston St, So of Milton St & W of Hartford St. Res. 1784 9-26-46 l S 16o' of Nly 310' lying west of Hartford St, So of Milton St on Galveston St- Permit to S. G. Hazlitt to divide into 4 bldg sites, ea w/8o' st frontage & approx 125' depth. Res, 1997 1-16-47----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por of- Permit to Elton H. & Vivian M. Larson to constr single fam res on W side of Hartford St, So of Milton St. Res. 5437 4-4-51 Por of- Permit DENIED Elton H. & Vivian M. Larson to constr res w/7' SB at above address. Res. 5438 4-4-41 Por of- Permit to J. R. McCulloch to buil.d single fam res on W side of Hartford St, l.50' So of Mil.ton St, ll.5' Ea of Galveston. Res. 5952 l.0-17-51 S 16o' of N 310' of W 115' of Lot 122- Permit to Earl. F. & Elaine Wagor, Owner, & Martha & James Lester, Purchaser, to divide par into 2 & erect single fam res on ea, E side Galveston l.50' So of Milton. Res. 7619 7-22-53-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------