Morena Block 65
MORENA BLOCK 65.tif BLOCK 65 \ E 67' Lots 15 thru 21- Permit to Howard J. Livermore to erect new garage to replace exist garage w/setback approx 5' (average 9'); 444o Milton. Res. No. 7641 8-5-53----------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------- E 67' Lots 15 thru 21- Ext of 6 mos to Res. #7641 to Howard J. Livermore, 444o Milton St, corner of Frankfort St. Res. No. 8105 3-31-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 13 & 14- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by William R. & Mary E. Stone to maintain 32'6" of solid fencing height from 6 1 10" to 8'4" observing a O'O" rear yard where the maximum fence height permitted is 6'0" solid fence with a 310" open fence on top; (2) 20' of solid fencing ranging in height from 5'7" to 9'3" within a visibility area adjacent to an alley where a 3'0" fence height is the maximum permitted; (3)to maintain 17'9" of 5'11" high solid fencing in the visibility area adjacent to a driveway where 3'0" is the maximum height permitted, loctaed at 2205 Erie Street, Rl-5000 zone. C-20048 09-30-88 Lot 25 through 28- ZA DENIED the request for Conditional Use Permit sought by Donald & Patricia Mayo to (1) maintain guest quarters and (2) provide two parking spaces observing a 10'6" front.yard along Frankfort Street where three parking spaces and 15 10" are required, located at 2252 Frankfort Street, Rl-5000 zone. C-20066 10-14-88