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Morena Block 121 Card 1

MORENA BLOCK 121 CARD 1.tif MORENA BLOCK 121 Card No. 1.,,...J Lots 26, 27, 28 & N-i1 Lot 25- Permit to Joe & Helen Prebonich to bld single fam res as perm in R-1 Zone, w 87' frontage on Illion. S-434 6-19-57 Lots 22, 23, 24 & S Lot 25 ~ Permit to King S. & Hannah V. Heath to bld single fa.m res as perm in R-1 Zone, w/87' frontage on Illion. S-433 6-14-57 Lots 1, 2, 3 & N Lot 4- Pennit to Raymond & Lillian Hirn to maintain exist R-i usage, 87' frontage on Hartford St. S-674 4-24-61 S Lot 4- All Lots 5, 6, 7- Permit to above to constr single fam res on parcel. S-675 4-24-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N Lot 25, All Lots 26-28- Permit to Rev. Wm. F. & Cynthia Copeland to move in single fam res, por of bldg obs 19' SB, bay window obs 17' SB & 14' of 6' hi fence obs 15' SB (Average of Blk 189" req)- 2250 lllion St., Zone R-1. Case 4261 (N.H.) 7-24-61 Yd Variance to obs req rear yd for main bldg, balcony. Case 4262 7-24-61 Lots 8, 9 & N 8 1 Lot 10- Permit to G. T. & Luella Draper to constr single fam res & accessory bldgs, 58' frontage on Hartford St.; Zone R-1. S-651-B Lots 19, 20, 21 & N 15' Lot 18- AGREF.ME:tfl' 604 to Ormond N. & Virginia Heath to cons tr single fam res & garage. 9-29-49-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------