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Montezuma Terrace Block A Card 2

MONTEZUMA TERRACE BLOCK A CARD 2.tif t-rlNTEZUMA TER.RACE BLOCK "A" \ ~aft~ ~ cARD-il2- a. Lot 8- Permit DENIED by AZA to DAVID M. AND JANICE A. JENNINGS to maintain approximately 30' of 3' and 6 1 high solid fence on top of a 41 retaining wall, resulting in a 7 1 and 10' high fence and wall where a height of 6 1 is permitted, at 1750 Galveston Street, Zone R-1-5. C-17010 NH 1 l-24-80 Lots 1 and 2- BZA DENIES the appeal of Craig H. & Dorene M. Perry and therefore SUSTAINS AND MODIFIES the decision of the ZA to APPROVE (1) a 10'0" yard on Frankfort and Gardena where 15'0" is required, (2) provide 41 011 between buildings used for habitable space where 6 1 0 11 is required and DENY (3) to maintain a 25 1 211 of 6 1 611 high solid fencing in addition to 5'7" of 7'3" high, solid fencing observing a 0'0" south side yard where 6'0" high, solid dence is the maximum permitted, subject to modified conditions, located at 4503 Gardena Ave., Rl-5000 zone. C-,-20036 11-16-88 Lots 1 & 2- ZA APPROVED Items 1 & 2 of the variance sought by Craig H. & Dorene_M. Perry to construct an attached two-story addition to an existing one-story, single family dwelling (1) to observe 10'0" front yard at the closest point where 15 1 011 is required on Frankfort Street and Gardena Avenue and (2) provide 4'0" between buildings used for habitable space where a minimum of 6 10" is required, but DENIED Items 3 & 4, located at 4503 Gardena Ave., Rl-5000 zone, C-20036 9-14-88 BZA DENIES the appeal of Craig H. and Dorene M. Perry, therefore SUSTAINS AND MODOFIES the decision of the ZA to APPROVE Items 1 & 2 and DENY Item 3. C-20036 11-16-88