Montezuma Gardens
MONTEZUMA GARDENS.tif MONTEZUMA GARDENS Lot l- Condl permit to Dorcnester Co. to const 2 & 3 story, 50 unit apt bldg on parcel with 14' 6" balcony projecting 2' into req SB on Montezuma Rd. at the second & third level; bottom of second story balcony to be 8 1 above ground where estab SB on Montezuma Rd., is 15', Zone R-4. C-5404 1-3-62 Lot 2-.Permit to Dorchester Co. to const 55 unit apt house deve witb approx 7200 sq ft carport obs O' side yd & resulting in 55~ coverage where 4' side yd is req & 5~ cover is perm on South side of Montezuma Rd., 400' east of Catoctin Dr., betw Catoctin Dr. & El Cajon Blvd., Zone R-4. c-6236 1-31-64