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Montclair Block W Card 1

MONTCLAIR BLOCK W CARD 1.tif ~-:c"~" :,~:~:?'1!;6ii"'f~''."~- ~~t'T4fti;;S'}fa"'~?"'~~~~~;~",~"cl1:~:,.,tr.i~1 ~~: ~:;;i; Peg,_~, \o. O.orPW . Dolan. to- 1n na. s!~'.:;;;;\i 2' (Lota 6, 7 & 8- Pel'lllit to John S Dawson, owner & Boas W & Carolyn Re1Ull, pur, to div into two par, one 50 1xl.00 1 & ereet duplex, 2nd par 55' fr., & erect 3 uni ta, JI aide Montclair __!t.t..o_ael> ~~!5Q1_S_of Wm!&___._ J._____!.!J1.!!._6!!,9.Q_____-5=2!-5,2____:,: Lots JO, 31 & 32- Permit to Everett & Mary Truesdale & Fred & Mary Richardi to split these 3 Iota into 1:Wo par, with 2 sing fa111 res on ea., on lalmia S 215:.& S 216. 5-25-54 Nly 50' Lot 11- to F.dward M. and Frances P. Selvig to const 2 liv units on par split after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, E side Montclair St. S of Kalm.ia, R-2 Case No. 365 3-26-56--------------------------------------------Lots ll' i, lO i Mmli to &66. W. Bu!un bu mu: a I re@ from 3 772._ ~th St to 2337 Montclair_________ HM!\ts tli'8 6--4-49 Lota 22 & 23, Peraitt~s. Loni~; Varlie to ~ast a~g f.;dweiT;-i;tal 3 unita o-a-p-ar_c_e_l, rear unit served by 5-5" acceaa ct,(12 acces ct req) at 231MJ Vancoanr,S of.Kahda, R-2,- condl. Case 3859 2-17-61--Lot29---Z.-A-.-oonsidered the-app-or bouglis ~ l.driana- J'oclfell.,-owri'&:t"s-&---. Sommers & Poutous Const Co ., lessee to oonst & maintain for a pez-iod not to exceed one year one 3' x 5, directional sign directing traffic to new homes located behind req SB~ line., where 8 sq. ft. sign for sale of premises only 11 jfr'l15ttafiill ~,PR~ttDSV'aC~f jf3Ja1fga e!~,1~-2 Zone and ha! DllrrBD th .. case!lo. 5555 4-29-63 ----~-----------------------------------------------------------------------.