Montclair Block R Card 1
MONTCLAIR BLOCK R CARD 1.tif Lots 24-26- Permit to David & Goldie Smith to constr sin fam res & att gar v/5' SB for both res & gar, E side Haller, S of Maple. Res. 7305 4-1-53 Lots 27-29- Permit to Alan z. Bohanan to const res & gar v/5' SB on Haller, E side, approx 100' S of Maple. Res. 8045 3-3-54-----"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 27-29- Permit to John L. Howard to constr res & gar w/5J SB (15' req) on E side Haller, 100' S of Maple, Zone R-2. C-1248 6-10-57 Lots 30 & 31- Permit to Arthur M. Gunnett to const res & gar w/5' SB (15' req) on E side Haller St., S of Maple St., Zone R-2. C-1484 10-25-57 W74' of Lot 11 & Lot 16, W74', Blk 23, City Hts & Maple St. clsd adj- Permit to Clyde o. & Norma;}{. Mann to const sin:ram res obs 10' rear;yd (15' req) making 2 units on parcel split after zoning, but prior to 12-5-54, 3716 Maple St., Zone R-2, one off-str park space be provided. C-3084 & 85 2-5-60 Lots 32-35- A Land Conservation permit to Boyd Smith.,Property located on E side of Haller St.2 single family dwellings. 33-LC 6-6-73-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 18- Hillside Review Permit to GeQCge J Trudell for sin fam dwell, 2619 Haller St. 264- HR 2-27-76 ~36-42- Hillside Review Permit to Haller Street allow the development of 7 sin fam dwell on E. side of Haller St., S. of Maple St. 90- HR 6/12/77