Montclair Block D Card 2
MONTCLAIR BLOCK D CARD 2.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCK D Lot 17 & Nly tot 18- Permit to Verner A. seaman to constr duplex or 2 sin fam units on tnis parcel s-275 1-31-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 19 & Lot 18 (exc Nly ) Permit to Verner A. Seaman to constr duplex or 2 sin fam dwell on tnis parcel s-276 1-31-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 28- Permit to Josepn H. & Louise Schum to constr 2 sin fam units, making a total of 3 units at 3124 N~le st. Zone R-2 c-796 10-8-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 28- Appeal of Joseph Schum DENIED & z.A. decision sustained 11-7-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W 50' of Lots l & 2- Permit to Robert E. Miller to constr addn to res above attached gar, the addn to maintain 9' rear yard as on garage at 3275 Boundary. Zone R-4. c-1102 3-22-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W 50''Lots J-3- Permit to Robert E & Margo E. Miller to constr 22' x 24' gar addn on lot w/exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs O' front yard on Boundary St where 15' req, at 3275 Boundary St., Cond'J. C-13209 8-6-75 Lots 4 & 5- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Howard S. & Margaret IFFLAND to construct an 11 1611 X 21 1 bedroom extension to existing single-family dwelling (carport below); addition to observe a 4' front yard where 15 1 is required, at 3233 Boundary Street, Zone R-2. CASE 16564 2-15-80