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Development Services

Mm. Gurwell's Sub

MM. GURWELL'S SUB.tif Lot B._- To construct_living rooms oy_El:r_ 9- garag_ei_~_ k38957 8/30/26 Lot A, exc W 75 1, permit to Hrs. Anna G, Grosz & Miss Mary C. Grosz to alter inter of exist sing fam res with attach gar, remove firepl & built-in bookcase from liv rm, re- locate kitchen sink & remove partition reparating kitchen & service porch; to add new match roof to replave exist shed roof connect gar & dwell, enclose 9' x 18 1 porch; exist res obs 8 1 rear yd; exist gar obs l' side yd & 2 1 rear yd; addn to obs 4' rear yd, exist struc & addn covers approx 49;,, 29j_2_Thorn St., R-1. Case f,4036 4/28/61_______ Lot L- AGREEMENT with Gerald Sisson to construct a 3/4 bath addition to an existing bed- room on a one-story single-family dwelling; said bedroom with exterior access and interior access from existing breakfast nook/kitchen, located at 3101 Dale Street, Rl-5000 Zone.---------------------------------~~~~~~!-i~~-~22~____;l:..;lc.:,./~2L22__________________