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Mission Viillage West # 20 Card 1

MISSION VIILLAGE WEST # 20 CARD 1.tif MISSION Vll.LAGE NO. 20 \,,-fl I Lot 1841- Permit to Geo & Olga Maranon to const patio addn with direct entry to dwelling; addn to obs 12' rear yd (20' req) 3480 Dorchester Br., R-1 condl c-4485 10-27-61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1824- Permit to Patsy L. Hatfield to maint exist 5' hi wood fence located on 8" to 10" bank, fence obs 9' SB on Lockwood Dr. where 12' is estab at 3463 Lockwood Dr. betw Angwin Dr. & Woodview Pl., Zone R-1. C-5535 3-4-63 Donald If. Eleanor Lot 1851- Permit to J. Darnell to const 22'xl2' rec room addn to exist sin fam dwell addn to obs 13' rear yd (20' req) 3594 Dorchester Dr., R-1-5 C-12157 8/30/73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1851- Permit to Donald C. & Eleanor J. Darnell to const 9'x26'2" extension to two bedrooms in exs sfd; extension to obs 12' rear yd at 3594 Dorchester Drive. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14318. 6-14-77. Lot 1876- ZA DENIED request of GAROLD D. NELSON to condu~t a lobster fishing business from a residential premises where such activity is not permitted:except when.approved in accordance with the HOME OCCUPATION Ordinance at 3519 Dorchester Dr., Zone R-1-5. H0-37332 2/2/84 APPEALED by APPLICANT TO BZA on 5/9/85- Zoning Administrator's decision UPHELD