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Mission Viillage West # 11 Card 4

MISSION VIILLAGE WEST # 11 CARD 4.tif MISSION VILLAGE 1/11 (,,-CARD #4 Lot 1126- Permit DENIED to Micnael & snirley Shevlin for perm to (1) use exist sin fam dwelJ as nursery scnool for 14 students fran 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. weekdays (2) maintain approx 20' of 6 1 ni solid wood fence obs 7' street sideyard, where max 3' high fence is perm (Proposed chain link fence encl,play area to be on public rignt-of-way Encroachment appliec for- #5202) at 2649 Raymell Dr betw Ronda Ave. and Melbourne Dr. Zone R-1-5. c-1167'1, 4-4-73 Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED and tne decision of the Z.A. be, and is nereby overruled, amd the appellants' appeal is sustained subject to conditions. c-11674 5-25-73 Appealed to Council ey s. N. Recio and w. Linder- Council upheld the decision of the BZA ~~~~=~~-~~.:j~~g~:,~~-2~z~~~~~~lQ~_Qf_IJ~f.:~jJi_:J:_J:~~:J2_~::::~~------- Lot 1079- Permit DENIED to 7-Eleven (Southland Corporation) to operate store twenty-four hours a day, where no permitted use shall commence operating prior to 6:00 A.M. nor continue later than 12:00 midnight of any day, at 2677 Mission Village Drive hetween Shawn Ave. and Marathon Drive, Zone CN. c-12892 12-3-74 Ioi-iias-:-Permii-io-Adis&-Marion-s~oii-to-constr-i~d-;tory-r;~rm-;ith-bar-;f~k-abo;;-;;r;t gar; addn to exist sin fam dwell, 2620 Mission V11lage Dr, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2104 10-7-75 Lot 1074- Permit to Thomas & Frances Morrissey to main JO' x 20' patio rm addn to exist sin fam dwe II, addn obs I' l nt s ideyd where 4' req; eave to obs 811 s i deyd where 2' 611 req was DENIED but APPROVED 3' int sideyd with max eave overhang of 611, 2641 Marathon Dr., Zone R-1-5, condLl C-13391- 12-12-75