Mission Viillage Heights# 3
MISSION VIILLAGE HEIGHTS# 3.tif MISSION VILLAGE HEIGHTS i/3 $ d'" ~ ~ 'S ~ "'- Lot 108- Pennit to Joseph T. & Lucy S. Foright to maintain retaining wall ranging in height to 41 obs 0' SB on Harton Pl. & Harton Rd., where max.3' high fence is perm in estab 15 1 SB on both sts, at 1936 Harton Rd., SW cor Harton Rd. & Harton Pl, R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case N~. 6972 1/29/65------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ltgtt108-iPermit tobL1Jcy Foright; to maintain an existing garage convertion and addition a cons sts of a ectroom, lving room, J/4 bath and a play room with both interior and exterior_access._______________________________________ AGREEMENT #A4023 6/20/88-------------------------------------