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Development Services

Mission Viillage Annex #6

MISSION VIILLAGE ANNEX #6.tif MISSION VILLAGE ANNEX# 6 l Lot 215- Permit to Steve & Barbara N. Sampo, Jr. to const. a family room addn. to the rear of an exist. single family residence; addn. to obs 18' rear yard where 20' is req. at 2340 Harcourt Dr., Zone R-1-5. condl. Case 7138 5/4/65----------------------------------------------------------- Lot 214 (Parcels A-C, DP 229)- Permit to Garland v. & Pauline R. Harold, owners of Parcel A; AHG owners of Parcel Band eil Dr. Charles & Sherry Lee Hanna owners of Parcel C to (1) provide a common easement as access to Parcels A-C of DP 229 of Lot 214 where safe and adequate access to each parcel is req on individual 1oi; (2) erect six 2' wide by 5' hi brick posts with lamps on top thereof;posts to obs 3' SB and (3) erect three redwood fences between each of two posts; fences to be 3' 6" in ht where max 3' hi wall or fence is perm in 15' estab SB at 9445 to 9453 Goodwick Ct., Sly side of' cul-de-sac, south of Harcourt Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-989!l 6-2-70 Lot 215- Permit to Steve & Barbara Sampo to erect approx 39' of 9 high fence and wall on side property line where max 6 high fence or wall is perm (4 solid blk with 5' high solid wood on top), at 2340 Hercules Dr. betwn Goodwick Ct. and Podell Ave, Zone R-1-5. Cond*l. C-12,181 N.H. 8-16-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------