Mission Viillage # 9 Card 1
MISSION VIILLAGE # 9 CARD 1.tif MISSION V.ILLAGE UNIT NO. 9 CARD #1 Lot 795- Permit to Gerald R. &. Nancy B. Anderson to constr 9' x 24', 2-bednn addn to single fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1611 rear yd where 20' rear yd is req; 9257 Irvington Ave betw Epaulette St & Overton Ave; Zone R-1-5; Condl. Case No. 8719 N.H. 5-29-68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 796- Permit to Daniel E. & Maria Stearns to constr 9' x 24' addn to exist single fam dwell; addn to obs 18' rear yd where 20' is req; 9265 Irvington Ave betw Wilbur Ct & Amulet St; Zone R-1-5. Case No. 9573 N.H. 10-22-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 867- Permit APPROVED by A2A to ELMER A. AND CARMEN M. LEDBETTER to construct 77' of concrete block retaining wall ranging from 3' to 5 1-611 in height, observing a street side yard of 0 1-611 where a 3 1 high wall is the maximum permitted within the established 12 1 street side yard, located at 2802 Amulet Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18080 NH 8-9-83 Lot 811- AGREEMENT to ESTELA G. FRANCIS to construct a second story addition with family room and bath over an existing garage attached to a single-family dwelling, with access through dining room and garage, located at 2873 Amulet Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3024 12-14-83 Lot 810- ZA DENIED request of RICHARD MASTIO to constr. a 475 sq. house over an existing 475 sq. ft. garage at 2865 Amulet St., Zone 5/31 /.85 ft. 2nd-story guest Rl-5000. C-18805