Mission Ridge
MISSION RIDGE.tif MISSION RIDGE Lot 1- Permit to of 7 I iv units & Shapel 1 Industries of 2~ ~: t: constr & oper!'u~t\ondo 2 recrea bldgs, 48 1 in ht, w of Reho Mission Rd & S Friars Rd., FAREP #30 8-13-75 consisting Zone R-2A.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot I- Permit to Shappel I tndustrtes of S.D. Inc. to const & oper Planned Residential Development located wly of Rancho Mtssfon Rd, betwn SD. Mission R & Friars Rd, Zone R-2A. (Par I, P.H. 3926) PRD #100 12-18-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1, HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT, Approve by SCA, MAUREEN ROEDER, OWNER, SCOTT SEELMAN, LESSEE, Sought to establish a home occupation deviating form the operational regulations in that one on premise emoloyee would be working in the home. Located at 10250 Caminito Cuervo #2, MVR-2 Zone. 98-0834 8-28-98