Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 3
MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 3.tif MISSION HILLS VILLA LOTS f\ Card No. 3 Lots 14 to 17, Exe E 126- Condl permit to Elise Lueders, Owner, & Chas. Carroll, Tenant, to erect new neon sign on nonconforming store bldg; 1926 Ft. Stockton Dr. Res. 2166 4-10-47 Lot 78- Permit to Gertrude Kost to build garage w/0' side yd approx 45 back from front PL; 1833 Lyndon Rd; Condl. ' Res. 2244 5-8-47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 103- Permit to Mrs. Susie M. Woods to constr garage w/no side yd at the rear corner; 3873 Pringle St. Res. 2581 10-22-47 Lot 14- 17 Exe E 126- z.c. overruled to erect new neon sign on nonconforming store bldg at 1926 Ft. Stockton; Appeal.2166- & permission granted for larger sign. CC Res. 8582'7:4-29-47-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 83, exc tnerefrom a small por & including sllll!l.11 por of Lot 82- Permit to Albert & Victoria Miller, own & Dorotny B. Mills, purcn to canst res on said parcel, Sly side of Lyndon Rd, & Ely of intersection witn St. James Pl. Res. 3439 9-22-48 Res. 3439 ABOVE- Extention Res. 3704 2-9-49 Por of VL 47 & all of Lot 46- Permit to Grace Nolan Ewing to build 4' x 14' addn to exist gar & alter same, 0 1 sideyd, 4275 Hermosa Way. Res. 3923 6-1-49