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Development Services

Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 10

MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 10.tif MISSION HILLS VILLA LOTS-~ CARD #10 Portion of Lot 11- ZA DENIED Item No. 1 as requested but APPROVED 30' measured at the building wall; APPROVED Item No. 2, DENIED Item No. 3 as requested but APPROVED a 3'-0" side yard where 4'-0" is required, DENIED Item No. 4 of the request of GEORGE KISSLING to construct a two-story addition to an existing nonconforming, one-story, single-family dwelling: (1) resulting in a building height of 45'-0" where 30'-0" is the maximum permitted; (2) 1 including an attached carport to observe a 9'-0" front yard where said non- conforming dwelling observes a 7'-0" front yard at the closest point, and 15'- 0" is required; (3) said carport to observe a 0'-0" northwest side yard where 4'-0" is required; and (4) including a max 5'-6" high, solid planter/railing to observe a 0'-0" front yard, at the closest point, where 15'-0" is required- located at 2038 Fort Stockton Drive, Rl-5000, Rl-40,000, Hillside Review Overlay zone. w/conditions C-20743 3/22/91