Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 1
MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 1.tif MISSION HILLS VILLA LOTS Card No. 1 .. ll Villa Lot 87- Setback suspended; E.G. Riling. Resj358o8 11-9-25------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Villa Lot 102 Exe E 38'- Ord. 9383- Suspended for E. Thor John tone. Res. 5712 10-26-25----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Villa Lot 35- Granted Gladys A. Rogers to build to PL. Res. 41852 5-31-27 Villa Lot 94- 12990 suspended to allow operation of a day school for dancing; 1820 W. Washington; Zone R-1; (Southern Title & Trust Co.) Res. 62044 9-4-34 Villa Lot 102- Por.- Private garage to the PL on Pringle St; Granted S. D. Building & Loan Co. Res. 60649 9-5-33 Villa Lot 10 & Por. of 11- Build 3 car garage to front PL on Allen Road; Granted Elise Leuders; 726 Pennsylvania Ave, Res. 69721 8-1-39 Villa Lot 46- Convert dwell into duplex; 4275 Hermosa Way; E.E. & J.P. Wyatt. Res. 70573 1-9-40 Villa Lot 46- Convert dwell into duplex; Granted Pearl White Sweet; 4275 Hermosa Way. Res, 72761 11-26-40 Villa Lot 103- Divide Lot into 3 parcels to perm 3 single-family dwellings w/frontages of 75,18 and 90' and Bo respectively; granted Donald S, & Gertrude H. Gardner. (Ord. 12990) Res. 75743 12-9-41