Mission Hills Tract #3
MISSION HILLS TRACT #3.tif MISSION HILLS, TRACT NO. 3 Lot T, CUP Variance was approved with conditions by the ZA, THOMAS J. & TERRIL. ROETKER requested to construct a detached quest quarters above a two car garage on a lot with a two-story, single family dwelling where guest quarters are permitted by CUP only 2) a storage room attached to said garage to observe a l'-10" rear yard where 4'-0" is required; said guest quarters to observe 3) a l'-10" rear 1ard where 4'-0" is required' and 4) a 3'-10" west side}".trd where 4'-0" 1.s required at 2251 Pine Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-21328 11-3-95