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Development Services

Mission Hills Block 6 Card 1

MISSION HILLS BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif MlSS!OJ' BlLLS BLOCK 6 \\\S.. S CARD Ill Lots 12 & 13- Permit DENIED to Hellen Weed & Mrs.:r.w. Miergartb., suspension of R-1 (Ord 12990) to allow private school, 2015 Stockton Dr. 7-2-32 Lot 9- Operation cf boarding & lodging houee in R-1 zone at 2031 Ft. Stockton Dr., DENIED to D.D. Wb.ite & Robert Dunfield. Res. 75999 1-20-42 Lot 7- Operation of boarding & lodging b.ouse, DEBIED to Helen Wrigb.t Mitcb.ell, 2107 rt. Stockton Dr. Res. 76333 3-3-42 Lots 12 & 13- Condl permit to P.S. Claytor to alter 2 story dwell at 2015 Ft. Stockton Dr., into a duplex. Res. 2153 4-10-47 Lot 22- Permit to Mrs. c. 0, Beib to alter exist illegal non-conforming 15' x 18 1 patio and latnnouse 'addn to a 14' x 16 1 patio addn only attacned to non-conforming sin fam dwell presently obs 3' rear yd and 9' front yard, addn to result in approx 4~ coverage where 4o;, is perm at 4369 Witherby St betw Hickory St & Ft.Stockton Dr.NE 45.26 1 of Lot 22. R-1-5 Zone Condl. c-10253 1-15-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 19- Agree that Albert Gustafson construct a detached 2-stry stg bldg w/no plumbing on lot w/existing 1-stcy, single-faro dwell. & attach garage at 2138 Hickory St. Zone Rl-5000 AGREE A 3648 2-23-87