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Development Services

Mission Heights Card 1

MISSION HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif..-..---.........._:-...,~ ~.,,.-':;~.,_,~...... .- ~ ' MISSIOlf HEIGH'?'S-c.c~~ ~ "-----'. ,- ~ <.,_~_,.._,......,-. -----~ ffe--- ~ ("(i- ~ e ~,1, Lot 1o6.:. Robt. E. & Jean Parker, own & Guide to Housing, Inc., lessee DE.RIED to const l dble-faced, directional sign 10' x 6' for l yr, but APPROVED a 3' x 8' directional sign for 6 montno to exp 3-10-60, N cor of intersection Linbrook Dr. & Ulric, R-1 C-2776 8-28-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2- Gertrude C. Crown, own & Guicle to Housing Inc., lessee DENIED to cons tr sin- f aced, free-standing 24' x 8 1 sign back of SB line at 1372 Minden for 1 yr, R-1 zone. C-2775 8-28-59 Lot 82- Permit to Anthony;& Romayne M, Mauricio, Jr. to constr a detached 375 sq. ft. recreation room addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 5' rear yard where 20' is req; at 1552 Regulus St. betw Babette St and Minden Dr. Zone R-1-5, C-10434 53-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 92- Permit to Earl & Cora Lupton- to constr a 2nd story bdrm w/bar sink addn to exist SFD at 1748 Linbrook Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2405 11/20/78-Lot_9_i_=--Pe;~1-t-DENI-ED#-zt.THARINE-GOMES-PIRO-AND-GAYANNE_E_:_HOL-BROOK____ to construct one story garage observing a 6'-0" front- yard setback where a 10'-0" setback is established on lot with an existing single-family dwelling, located at 1707 Linbrook Drive, Zone R-1-5. C-18409 5-4-84