Mission Beach Map1651 Block 109
MISSION BEACH MAP1651 BLOCK 109.tif MISSION BEACH, Map 1651 Block 109 ltt <;l,) (7 Lot C,-permit to Irving & Florence Rawdin for amended req to constr 2nd-story addn to exist sin fam dwell, making 2 units on lot: (1) addn to obs 8 1611 front yard on Strandway where 15 1 is req (2) to elim req landscap on Strandway where no less than 40"/o of req yard is to be landscaped (204 sq. ft. req, 43.6 sq. ft. provided) (3) addn to result in 72.4% lot cov where ~ax 50% is perm, Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-14407 7/14/77-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot D- Permit to Lorenzo W. Milam to erect 2l'x54'x30' deck addn to exs duplex: (I) a1q11ia deck to obs O' front yard on Ocean Front Walk and O' street side yard on Ma Jamaica Ct. and eliminate all landscaping; (2) to canst hot tub with 8 1 high wind screen on Jamaica Ct. obs a 6 1 street side yard (no portion of deck is over 3' high). 3275 Ocean Front Walk. Zone R-4. Conditions. C-15113, 7-6-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot B, HOP was approved by SCA, RON BRADSHAW sought to establish a HO which will deviate from operational regulations in that customer contact will occur at the residence at 3285 Ocean Front Walk Unit No. 3, RS Zone C21351-H 1-26-96