Mission Beach Map 1651 Block 3 Card 3
MISSION BEACH MAP 1651 BLOCK 3 CARD 3.tif MESSION BEACH, MAP NO. 1651 BLOCK 3 Ool'61 ~ CARD f/3~ Lot D- ZA DENIED request of DALE W. & MARJORIE L. MARTIN for property located at 805 Anacapa Ct., Zone R-S, Mission Beach Planned Dist. C-19175 5/2/86 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on July 2, 1986, BZA DENIED THE revised appeal&, there- fore, SUSTAINED & AFFIRMES the decision of the ZA, to DENY the request, of 1) resulting in.67% lot coverage where.65% is permitted &.66% exists; 2) deck to observe 2'6" setback on Anacapa Court where the existing structure observes a 3' setback & where a setback of 6' was approved by Variance C-15343; (3) to maintain a 1'6" setback on Mission Blvd. where 3' setback was approved by variance C-15343 & a 7' setback is granted by the Mission Beach Planned Dist. Ordinance. C-19175 7/2/86-------------------------------------------------------------~'\-----------------------------