Mission Beach Block 8 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 CARD 3.tif ~- MJ;.SSION BEACH BLOCK #8 CARD#3 ~-. Lot A- permit to.ARNOLD & ROmMARIE FAIRBANK to conat (1) a 7' x 20' adn to enlrg exist non-conf'rmg garage presntly obs 5' frnt yrd., adn also to obs 5' frnt yrd on Strandway 1 where 15' is to req; and (2) a second stry adn to exist s1n fem dwell, adn to obs 416" st side yrd on Ashbury Crt, where 5' is req; at 2663 Ocean Front Walk, W of Ashbury Crt, and Strandwa;y, Zone R-2. Case No. 10717 9-1-71 Lot P- Permit to Ava M. Cbampion to (1) constr 2nd story, one-unit addn qp top of exist res and convert exist apt on top of exist gar to a rec rm; garage and apt rm obs a O' front yd on Strandway and rec rm will obs a 0' front yd on Strandway waere 15' is req; (2) result in 62.5~ cov wnere 5~ is perm (3) eliminate req landscaping in front SB on Ocean Front Walk and req landscaping on Strandway wnere min 4~ SB must be landscaped; and (4) maintain two exist substandard parking spaces in garage on Strandway and provide one additional 8' x 20' tandem parking space wnere tandem parking is not perm, at 2601 Ocean ~ront Walk betw Anacapa Ct and Asbury Court. Zone R-2. Cond'l,-~-~-~=!.~---=~lf:.;?J.:1P..V~=Y-':1J1:::::_________________ ~===~---=--- Lot K- PERMIT TABLED to W. Grover C-13311 11-19-75 Lot O- Permit APPROVED by ZA to GERALD B. SARAZIN to construct a second and third story addition to an existing two-story, two unit building to observe 4 1 interior yards at closest point where 5' is required for a three story building, located at 2605 Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). Conditions. C-17985 NH 5-24-83