Mission Beach Block 59 Card 4
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 59 CARD 4.tif MISSION BEACH Ca:t-d No. 1r Lot 5, Agree. w Larry Hancock to remodel existing duplex, second-story BLOCK 59 to construct master becroom w/bedroom and bath w/two exterior entrances at 804 Ensenada Crt, ~one R-5. AGREE. A-3609 12-11-86 Lot S- ZA considered request of an AMENDMENT TO C-19152, dated 4/11/88,by LARRY & IRENE HANCOCK, to Case No. 19152, dated April 11, 1986, which permitted HOWARD L. & BARBARA STRAUSS to conver an existing two-story, single-family dwelling into two units and enlarge existing second-story duplex and providing one oarking space in tandem 7'-6" x 30'-0" at 804 Ensenada Court, zone RS, Mission Beach Planned District, the applicant request amend- ment to maintain 1) an existing 6'-2" x 10'-3" (63 sq. ft.) second-story deck which obser,,e; an 8'-10'' yard along Enseneda Court where 15' is required; 2) maintain 7'-6" x 28'-8'' park- ing space where 7'-6'' x 30' was approved at 804 Ensenada Court, Zone RS, MBPD with conds. C-19152 10/21/88 APPEALED TO BZA on 2/1/89- BZA MODIFIES decision of the Zoning Administrator to APPROVE request subject to conditions on file in C-19152,