Mission Beach Block 57 & 58
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 57 & 58.tif-___,. -.- ~~--~~-~- MISSION BEACH eLocKs si 'i ss Lots A, B, C & D- Blk 57- Florence Chambers, owner, E.H, Blue, Jessee to const 3 4 plexes, making 12 units on prop, obs zero SB from Bayside Ln, 9 off st park spaces on Bayside Ln & Walk betw Dover & Ensenada Cts. DENIED, but approved 12 units with 5' SB from Bayside Ln, cond'l. Appealed 12-3-58 Amended,approved and granted with conditions. Case#2083 10-31-58----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Blk 58- Florence Chambers DENIED O SB but APPROVED 19 liv units with 5' SB from Bayside LN, 12 off st parking spaces, Bayside Ln & Walk betw Ensenada Ct. & San Fernando Pl., Zone R-4 cond'I, E.H. Blue lessee. Appealed 12-3-58 Amended, approved and granted with conditions. Case#2082 10-31-58 Being a division of lots ''A'', ''B'', ''C'' and ''D'' in blk 57 and all of blk 58 together with Ensenada Ct as dedicated to public use excepting from all of the above described property any portion thereof lying below the ordinary high tide line of Mission Bay, Formerly False Bay. PM 15905 recordedl2-14-S9