Mission Beach Block 35 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 35 CARD 2.tif,,...-~-....... ~ HISSJOH BEACH BLOCK 35 CARD #2 l~ Lot 8- Permit to Robert & Sharilynne Cairncross to const 2 bedrms, 2 baths & fmrm 2nd story addn to exist nonconf sin fam dwell, addn to (I) obs 3 1 int sideyd where 4 1 req same as exist dwell; (2) result in 51.6% cov where max 50% perm, 810 Coronado Ct, Zone R-4. C-13380 N.H. 12-1-15---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot G- Permit to Stephen J. Bender to const a 2-story addn to exs sfd (making 2 units), addn to obs:a I' st sd yd, a 31 int sd yd, an 81 rear yd; and to provide a third pking space obs a 0 1 st sd yd and having a 16 1 aisle width at 824 Cohasset Ct., in the R-4 Zone. C-14132. 3-4-77. Lot H- Permit AMENDED forRobert & Elaine Morton to constr I! stories over exstg single- story duplex, prov 4 pkg sp (2 sets of tandem) in add to exstg dble gar: (I) pkg to obs 6 1 611 street sideyd on Deal Ct. and 5.5" frontyd on Strandway; (2) erect 4 1 hi planter walls obs 9 1 setback on Ocean Front Walk; (3)provide 130 sq ft of landscaping along Strandway, approx 385 sq ft along Ocean Front Walk, and approx 255 sq ft along Deal Ct, at 2867 Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-4. (!)APPROVED (2) DENIED (3) APPROVED CONDIT. C-15739 3/2/79