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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 33 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 33 CARD 2.tif MISS ION BEACH BLOCK 33- Card #2/!..!J- Lot A- APPROVED req of Jan Bordewick to-{JJ Cons tr 3-story, 5-un it condom obs 2' frnt yd on Bayside Lane, where 15' Is req, res In approx 61% covge where 60"/o perm; (2) prov 242 sq ft of landsc in frnt yd on Bayside Ln where a min of 336 iq ft is req, subj to cond that standard parking spces be prov & no bar sink installed on 3rd floor. c-11023 2-10-32---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- DENIED by BZA appeal of James A. Murray dee. of ZA, same conds. Lot A- Donald Kenney, Trustee complex into 2 units totaling 6 at 2820 Bays i de Wa 1 k, Zone R-4. C=ll023 4-13-72- Polynesia Island Resorts to convert 5th unit of 5-unit apt units on parcel & provide 8 parking spaces where 10 are req, c-13967 11-16-76