Mission Beach Block 3 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif MISSIOB BEACH-(1.-~;;,;.p * Lot C- Permit to Rodger M. Scott & John P. Hill to constr 2nd story to exist gs.rage for living quarters; 8' rear yd; 815 Anacapa Ct. Res. No. 4133 9-7-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot B- Robt. and Tomi Martin to constr duplex, 501, coverage (40'1, perm); Anacapa Ct, Zone_R-2; TABLED.__________________________________________ Case_No._3705________ 12-2-60____ Lot B- Permit to Geo. D. Robison to constr 2-story duplex covering 44'1, of lot, obs all yd req (4o'1, perm); Anacapa Ct; Zone R-2. Case No. 4o?5 4-6-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Lots J & K- Permit to H. & Edith Olden to convert exist garage to living rm obs 8' rear yd from center of alley & to install bath in exist bed.rm obs 10' rear yd from center of alley where 15' rear yd is req & obs 3' side yd on Ea side where 4 is req; 812 & 186 Aspen Ct; Zone R-2; CondJ.. Case No. 5189 9-24-62 *Lot C- Permit to Jeffrey Larsen to complete cons tr of walking deck on 2nd fir & constr 2-story entry & porch to exist 2-story duplex which encr 7' into req 15' rear yd (See Res. No. 4133); exist duplex covers 60.5'1, of lot; addn will result in 62.5'1, coverage; 811 Anacapa Ct betw Mission Blvd & Bayside Lane; Zone R-2; Condl. Case No. 7566 2-11-66 loTE 'f> e-rmTt--to-cons-fruct-dupi~~-~ith-54%-~~,-~~-;.~g~-~h~-r~-50%-;~-r~i~~~d-~~-72i-j~~~~~-c~---- R-4 zone. C~aditions- APPROVED Case #14031 11-23-76