Mission Beach Block 240
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 240.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 240 l Ely 30' Lot A & por of Lot A, Braemar- Permit to Howard Field, Jr., 5335 9th Ave., L.A. by A.w. Hamilton,to build sin fam res with 11' rear yd. Var to Ord. 119 N.S. Res. 74313 6-3-41 Lots C ~ D- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Horace B. Albright (Est. of F.E. Albright, H.B. Albright, execu~or) to const 2 bedrm & bath addn above exist apt of 2 story duplex ext into the R-1 zone (See Res. 1093), lying betw the Ely prolongations of the north & south lines of Lots C & D at 395~ Bayside Wk, Zone R-4 & R-1, condl (Legal also includes por of Lot A, Braemar). C-5898 8-22-63