Mission Beach Block 24 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 24 CARD 3.tif.D.L,V..,1\.,::;-,. r~t s- Permit to M.B. Bennett to const apt over & maintain exist 9 18" rearyd for both apt & gar. VVl"OUI-~ \,l'U.UJ ...,. I exist attached gar at 2755 Mission Tvd. Res./2.079 2-27-47----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t Lot Q- Permit to O.G. & Esther Gutridge to const an apt over a gar which has a 101 rearyd, apt to have 10' rearyd, 812 Balboa Ct. Res./f2780 1-14-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lots G & H- Permit to Wallace Korzon to erect 4 unit res with 6 1 llEIIID: access on ea side of bldg, Brighton Ct. betw Bayside & Mission Blvd. Res.#6698 8-6-52 ['i~-;-::;;;:~~-~~-;;;~~;-~:-;-;~;;;;,-;:-;~~~~:-;~-~;;-:~;;~-;-~;;;;:-~;;-;-;~~;;~;-;;;~---,:9ver gar & to rear of exist dwell which covers 431,, addm to result in 561, cover & a:11 1 rearyd, {Jl.5' rearyd req) 815 Brighton Ct., Zone R-2. Case#3643 10-28-60 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Permit to Mrs. Idabelle Royle to const sin fam res over exist dwell making 2 dwell on lot. Exist dwell obs req rearyd & covers 60.81, of par; addn res will obs 10 1 rearyd (15 1 req) I & cover 60.81, of par (401, perm) with stairs to 2nd unit adding 2.71, for a total of 63.51, cov, at 809 Brighton Ct. betw Mission Blvd. & Baysmde Lane, R-2 Zone, cond'l. Case#4961 6-15-62 Lot K- Permit to Kendrivk B. & Marilyn Kellogg to erect 7'10" high masonry wall on Wly p.l. returning inward 25 1 at front, back of SB, where max 6 1 high fence is perm at 836- 38 Balboa Ct. NW cor Bayside Lane, R-2 Zone, con