Mission Beach Block 235
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 235.tif MISSION BEA.CH BLOCK 235 \l... Lot J- Permit to Aubrey L. & Carroll Fisher to constr 2-story duplex obs 12' front yd " where 15' req; 734 Verona Ct betw Strandway & Mission Blvd; Zone R-4. (AMENDED l-8-69) Case No. 9035 N.H. 12-12-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot B- Permit to Thomas B. & Margaret A. Sellers to const a two-story, sfd (I) a JO' fy, (2) a 3' int sd yd on each side, (3) an 8 1 rear yd, (4) a 19' radius, and (5) to res in 58% Lot coverage at 737 Whiting Court. R-4 Zone. C-14217. 4-20-77, to obs: turning Conditions. Lot N- AGREEMENT with David N. Repp Jr. and David N,. Repp Sr. to maintain an existing one-story detached sleeping room. Said sleeping room is to contain a 1/2 aath only (single sink and toilet), at 722 Verona Court. Zone R-N MBPD Agreement# A-4839 12-12-90