Mission Beach Block 231
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 231.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 231 Lot L- '!he z.,A. considered the request of H. R. Demorjian and Nancy Jensen to constr 10' x 18'-2'; 2nd floor deck addn to exist duplex; addn to obs a O' front yard where 15' is requiM a 2' street ya.rd where 5' is req and to result in 83'.L lot cov where 6C1/, is perm, at 718 Venice Court betw StrandWS and Mission Blvd., Zone R-4 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED a 4 eave only encroaching into the front yard and obs 2' street side yard. Cond'l. c-13023 3-25-75 APPEALED to BZA- Appeal. DENIED- 5-22-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- Permit to Ross V. Provenzano to const a three-story duplex (exs two units to be demolished): (I) second-story balconies to obs 2 1611 interior side yard and building to obs 5 1 interior side yard; (2) first and second floors to obs 8 1 front yard and 5' high fence to obs 10' front yard; (3) building to obs 3 1 811 street side(t}rd; (4) building to obs 10 1 kqk rear yard,i.Kd; (5) t~ ~rovide two parking spaces 7 1611 x 15'. 735 and 735 1/2 iL/.t Verona Court. Zone R-4. Cond1t1ons. C-15209. 7-14-78. a.......4../.. /o-.;it- 7 1? a.... t',~v1---------------------------------------------------------;~_J_~t--"-:21---------------