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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 230

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 230.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 230-w Lot B & all Lot C- Permit to Mrs. Emily Zieglar to const sun rm addn to exist res, addn to obs all yd req; exist attach gar & dress rm with door frm gar to res obs O' rear yd {10' req) 3921 Ocean Front Walk, R-4, condl C-4289 N.H. 1-26-61 Lots A & B- Condl permit to Wayne D. & Harriet E. Preman to maint 21' x 13 1 enclosed patio structure with direct access to dwelllng;~obs 8' r.@__ar yd- from futer of alley where 10' is req & O' siae yd where 3' is re_q; resu]::ting in 62.~ver where 6 <:11, is perm at 711 Verona Ct., Zone R-4. ~-- C-5387 1-3-63 Lot F- Permit was considered by ZA to SCOTT SHORE to construct a two-story, single-family dwelling to (I) observe a 0 1 front yard on Ocean Front Walk where 10' is required (cor- rection: Ocean Front Walk is the street side yard)v (2) provide garage with compact park- ing space where two off-street parking ~~~e~j_Qne f()mpact and one standard} are req.uired; (3) provide approximately 72 s_g_,. f't. of landscaping on Ocean Front Walk where 100% or,. 480 sq. ft. is required; and (4) lot coverage to result in 73% where maximum 65% is permitted, at 3917 Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-N. (MISSION BEACH PLANJllfD DISTRICT), DECISIQN: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED garage with one compact parking space where two off-street parking spaces are required. Conditions. C-17902 1-21-83 BZA- DECISION OF THE ZA SUSTAINED. UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA. APPEAL DENIED. 3-28-83